
Three parking – San Polo dei Cavalieri

Client: Municipality of San Polo dei Cavalieri (RM)

Year: 2011

Service: Preliminary design, final design, execution planning, supervision of works

The intervention in its complex regards the realization of 3 parking near the urban center.

1st parking in Viale Umberto I:

The parking is a two-floor building where the floor level will be able to contain 19 parking spaces for cars and 10 for bikes, while the first floor, placed at the same level of Viale Umberto I, will contain 21 car spaces and 10 for bikes. So in total, there will be 40 spaces for cars and 18 for bikes.

2nd parking in Via Marcellina:

The area used for the parking is divided into two levels with a one-meter difference of height, necessary to follow better the terrain’s shape. The two levels are connected by a central ramp with a 15% incline.

3rd parking in Via Santa Liberata:

The plan prevents the realization of 62 parking spaces on the surface of the terrain. The new parking will be inserted in a harmonic way into the close context, being built to conceal with the green areas and nature around.

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