
Refurbishment of mons. giacci’s palace – ROCCA PRIORA

Client: Municipality of Rocca Priora (RM)

Year: 2000-2005

Service: Final design, execution planning, supervision of works, security coordination

The recovery project’s purpose was to transform the building into a meeting spot for the youth of Rocca Priora, a formation center about social and cultural concerning directed to young people, a building ready to comply with the necessities of continuous development of learning spaces.

The new structure is characterized by multifunctional inner and external spaces and in a continuous change, meeting, and exchange cultural places, exhibition spaces and places to play, fitting to the different necessities required; a conference room and an exhibition room have been thought to host cultural events useful for all community. During the recovery of the architectonic elements, particular attention has been put into the valorization of the original constructive technologies and into the combined material’s use. Inside the original and ancient building’s body, the floors become a characterizing architectonical element: the combined use of wood warpage and level made by clays is the same proposed again on the interred and first floors.

On the external facades have been recovered the original building’s materials, like the brick, the buttress, and peperino stones, and treated the lower quality sides with plaster.

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