
New LFA headquarter

  • Client: LFArchitettura Srl Year: 2012-2014Service: Relief, preliminary design, final design, execution planning, security coordination   The restoring intervention consisted of the total rebuilding of the constructive elements. The original structure showed a high grade of decline. The work started with the roof and the halfway slab demolition followed by the inner partition ones until only the original walls were left. The new constructions have been realized with the techniques of the green building with the aim of giving as much sustainability as possible to the new structure. In fact also to reach some necessary standards for the fiscal facilitation for the energetic recover, the building has been planned again to reach the class of certification A, with a requirement of 7Kwh/m3 per year for the winter cooling. The technical measures to achieve this objective have been:
  • Case’s High thermic insulation with transmission under 0,20 w/m2 °K
  • Thermic system with heat pump and radiant floor
  • Air replacement system with the recovery of healthy comfort during the summer is granted by the thermic inertia provided by the existent structures (walls with a width of 1m), by the thermic case on the external walls, by the width of the insulating materials and by the natural ventilation made by the chimney effect.

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